July Farm Safety Webinars for Kids
As part of Farm Safety Week 2020. We are hosting a series ofFarm Safety Webinars in July. The events are supported by Flogas and are free,although spaces are limited so registration is necessary. Hosted hosted on Zoomand you can register below;
July 20th - Story time Part 1 'The Tree Swing' & FarmSafe Signage10.30am 4-7 yo
For little farmers aged 4-7 years, this fun event startswith a reading from 'The Tree Swing', the first in the Tales from Riverside FarmSeries of books written by Alma Jordan. Children will then learn how to preparefor a safe farm visit and how to recognise some of the signs they find alongthe way.
Children will also find out how they can win their own setof the AgriKids award winning story books!
Register: https://bit.ly/2ZK8foN
July21st - Know the Signs: Signage and Animal Safety Webinar10.30am 8-12 yo Idealfor budding farmers aged 8-12 years. This fun event will include helpful tipson how to prepare for a safe farm visit by creating a farm safety checklist.They will also learn how to recognise some of the safety signs on a typicalfarm as well as learning the behavioural signs shown by animals, includingbulls, horses and dogs. There will be a special competition when children canwin an AgriKids prize pack and One4All Voucher!
Register: https://bit.ly/2Z5I9xg
July22nd - Story time Part 2 'The Big Brown Bull' & Animal Safety10.30am 4-7 yo
For little farmers aged 4-7 years, this fun event startswith a reading from 'The Big Brown Bull, the second in the ‘Tales fromRiverside Farm’ series of books written by Alma Jordan. Children will thenlearn how to read the different behavioural signs shown by animals includingbulls, horses and dogs.
Children will also find out how they can win their own setof the AgriKids award winning story books!
Register: https://bit.ly/38ygEQl
July 23rd - Children's Farm Machinery Safety Webinar10.30am8-12 yo
Ideal for budding farmers aged 8-12 years, Ireland, this funevent will include helpful tips on how they and farmers can stay safe aroundsome of the main machinery and vehicles used on our farms. They will also learntheir tractor safety checklist and P.T.O safety.
There will be a special competition when children can win anAgriKids prize pack and One4All Voucher!
Register: https://bit.ly/2VUmiH4
July 24th - Story time Part 3 The Red Tractor' &Machinery Safety10.30am 4-7 yo.
For little farmers aged 4-7 years, this fun event startswith a reading from 'The Red Tractor, the third in the ‘Tales from RiversideFarm’ series of books written by Alma Jordan. Children will then learn top tipson how they and farmers stay safe around farm machinery and vehicles. Childrenwill also find out how they can win their own set of the AgriKids award winningstory books!
Register: https://bit.ly/2VUk0I1